The business benefits of Digital Transformation
Although a broad term, Digital Transformation is the process of your business going through the journey of changing its paper-based processes into...
Facilities Management
Manage maintenance requests & streamline operations
Regulatory Compliance
Operations Management
Transportation Management
Food Safety
Prove compliance and ensure standards are up to customer expectations
Retail Task Management
Enable your teams to focus on delivering quality and achieve their goals.
Task Creation & Automated Follow-up
Unified Reporting and Data Analysis
Regulatory and Audit Monitoring
Full visibility of every task
Take action on your data to get ahead
Bring mpro5 into your other tools
Automated Workflows
Make your work effortless with automated workflows
Managed Service
Supporting your operations, every step of the way
Blogs & news
This new mpro5 web portal release is coming very soon. We are always working to improve the web portal in terms of design, flow and features. In fact, the changes and tweaks we have made for this particular release total over 100! The headline features are the design overhaul of the ‘CRM’ area, as well as the ability to link to your single sign on system.
The Customer Relationship Management section of your mpro5 portal has a major overhaul! Whether your mpro5 system uses a traditional customer structure, or categorises information in another way… get ready for a brand new experience for managing your information. We’ve improved the User Interface in order to help save time. We hope you’ll find your information is easier to browse and update, with context in mind.
We prioritise making adoption of mpro5 easy in a way that merges into your business’ culture. Single Sign On is now a common way for teams to easily log in to systems with one set of details. Therefore, this web release features the foundations upon which we can link in with your single sign on system*. We are pleased to say that we have already set single sign on up for several customers.
Permissions are important to limit user activity. It’s always important to decide whether each of your teams should be able to update information. So, you can now allow web users to have a read-only view of the job planner. Therefore, they’ll be able to see jobs, without changing their information. As a result, there’s better protection for jobs and schedules from unwanted changes.
We like to make you feel in control of your users, and for your users to have a smooth experience. We have improved the way you can manage everyone’s passwords from your portal. As always, if you need any help with this our support desk is on-hand to help.
If you would like to find out more about these features, please get in touch. Keep an eye on the blog for information about future web and mobile releases.
For any further information about using the features in this release, please don’t hesitate to email
Although a broad term, Digital Transformation is the process of your business going through the journey of changing its paper-based processes into...
Spreadsheets are great to keep track of static data as well as personal finances, budgets and so on. They can do some really smart calculations and...
The mpro5 masterminds have been working hard to make even more improvements and enhancements to your mpro5 web portal. Using a mixture of innovation,...