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The Process Management App, Customized to Fit Your Needs

The Process Management App, Customized to Fit Your Needs

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2 min read

Data is invaluable, but only with action

Mark Twain might have once said, "Data is like garbage. You'd better know what you are going to do with it before you collect it.", and I couldn't...

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2 min read

When does buying more point solutions become time inefficient?

In the digital age it’s hard to find a job that doesn’t involve the use of some software, but how many solutions is too many?

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3 min read

Tapping into your data is the secret to innovation

Recently, I was involved in a tender exercise to procure security guarding services, and I couldn’t help noticing something strange. Two out of the...

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2 min read

Retailers: Are you drowning in data?

I’m guessing a lack of information isn’t a problem for you as a retailer. It’s knowing what to do with it and how to make sense of it that can be...

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2 min read

Facilities Management Technology & Benefits

How people work has changed significantly over recent years and technology has brought big changes to the workplace. The need to capture accurate...

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