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The Process Management App, Customized to Fit Your Needs


The Process Management App, Customized to Fit Your Needs





Compass Denmark's journey:
reactive cleaning and maintenance

In this case study we delve into how mpro5 enables reactive cleaning and maintenance for Compass Denmark.

"Developing a new concept from the ground up has been an inspiration, and mpro5 has made it possible for us to exceed the customers expectations of the project."

Elsie Reitzel, Team Manager

Compass Denmark is continuously exploring innovative approaches to provide exceptional services to its customers and stay one step ahead of the competition.

As FM providers, they face increasing expectations to maximise the value they offer utilising their existing resources.

The Covid situation has underscored the significance of tangible proof of cleaning efforts, as it reassures customers. By bridging the gap between building users and facilities staff, Compass Denmark aims to enhance the overall level of service.

In collaboration with Compass Group Denmark, we are actively working towards achieving this goal. Leveraging the power of the Internet of Things, call buttons, and our intelligent workflow management platform, we are supporting Compass in improving services, to be more responsive to user needs, and seamlessly meet the day-to-day requirements of their client, Total Energies.

The Results

Compass has experienced a remarkable transformation in the quality of their service since the implementation of call buttons and mpro5. These innovative devices have not only impressed Total Energies employees, but they have also significantly reduced response times to service requests by an astonishing 97%.

By incorporating call buttons into their operations, Compass has gone above and beyond the standard offering of facility management. Their commitment to dynamic cleaning and exceptional service sets them apart from their competitors in the industry.

Furthermore, engaging directly with customers has had a profound impact on fostering a stronger service culture within the on-site service team. This direct interaction has allowed Compass to gain valuable insights from their customers, enabling them to continuously improve and tailor their services to meet the specific needs and expectations of their clientele.

The implementation of the mpro5 app has further enhanced the efficiency and productivity of the on-site service team. With refined workflows and seamless guidance, employees are able to carry out their duties effortlessly, showcasing their dedication and hard work. Additionally, the app has introduced a welcomed sense of accountability, as employees appreciate the transparency and visibility it provides.

One of the key factors contributing to the success of Compass's service transformation is their inclusive approach to the development and configuration of the mpro5 app. By involving their ground teams from the very beginning, Compass has fostered a sense of ownership and enthusiasm among their employees. This enthusiastic buy-in has not only ensured the successful implementation of the app but has also empowered the teams to take ownership of their roles and deliver exceptional service.

In summary, Compass's installation of call buttons, coupled with their commitment to engaging with customers and utilizing the mpro5 app, has elevated the quality of their service to new heights. Their dedication to dynamic cleaning, exceptional service, and ongoing improvement has positioned Compass as a leader in the industry, setting the bar high for others to follow.

"In Compass Group we consider this project to be a stepping stone towards shaping the future of the service. mpro5 has stepped up as a key partner for this journey."

Jonathan Hentze, Head of Innovation and Digital Development
Compass Group Cleaning
What was the problem?

The pandemic's impact on the FM industry continues to be significant. As businesses navigate through these challenging times, it has become increasingly clear that digitalisation in Facilities Management is not only necessary but also the next logical step. However, implementing digital solutions can be a daunting task, both in terms of execution and presenting a compelling business case with a significant return on investment (ROI).

Moreover, the shift towards flexible working patterns has further reduced the demand and footfall on sites. This has posed a unique challenge for cleaners and FM suppliers, who need to adapt swiftly to prepare rooms for varying numbers of users. They must also be responsive to changes in demand for these spaces, ensuring that they are clean and ready for use.

One of the key hurdles in optimising cleaning operations is the inefficiency of routine cleaning. Without access to accurate data, it becomes difficult to make dynamic decisions and efficiently allocate resources. This lack of data limits the industry's ability to work dynamically and adapt to changing circumstances effectively.

Furthermore, for users, getting a problem addressed in a timely manner has become a significant challenge. With the lack of clarity regarding whom to notify or how to reach out, it could take hours or even days for their issues to be resolved. This leads to frustration and hampers productivity.

The FM industry as a whole must embrace digitalisation to overcome the challenges posed by the ongoing economic challenges. By leveraging technology, businesses can streamline operations, optimise resource allocation, and provide a seamless experience for users. It is imperative to address these issues proactively and pave the way for a more agile and efficient future in facilities management.

The mpro5 solution

There were two primary objectives behind the implementation of mpro5.  The first goal was to generate significant return on investment (ROI) on their existing IoT sensors by leveraging the capabilities of the new network. The second objective was to focus on cleaning high-traffic areas more efficiently.

To kickstart their IoT network, Compass installed call buttons across five floors. These call buttons allow users to easily report faults or issues with various equipment, such as a coffee machine. Once a call button is pressed, an alert is instantly sent to the relevant team via the mpro5 app.

Upon receiving the alert, the team can take immediate action by heading to the specific location and asset and use their mobile app to scan a QR tag. This action triggers the loading of the appropriate workflow within app, providing step-by-step guidance through necessary processes and ensuring proof of task completion. This seamless process effectively closes the feedback loop, ensuring efficient and effective resolution of reported issues.

The mpro5 platform was specifically configured to cater to Compass' unique needs. Live configuration calls and user walkthroughs greatly facilitated the adoption of the platform, making it easier for all team members to seamlessly integrate it into their daily routines.

With the successful initial implementation of mpro5, Compass has plans to introduce additional features as part of their ongoing rollout strategy. These features include the integration of sensors, which are currently being tested to measure footfall in copy rooms and bathrooms. By gradually implementing these new features, Compass can meticulously test each use case and subsequently refine the model based on its utility and ROI, ensuring optimal results for their operations.

Compass Denmark CaseStudy

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